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Temporary accommodation

Temporary Accommodation is provided by St Martins in partnership with Norwich City Council for single homeless people whose homeless application is being investigated.  The project provides 19 bed spaces for temporary accommodation in three separate shared houses.  Whilst in temporary accommodation residents will have a licence agreement for their own room and share all the communal facilities, such as living room, kitchen and bathrooms.

This service is managed by housing officers during working hours, and has there is an on -call service for any out of hour’s emergencies. The referrals for Temporary Accommodation come directly from Norwich City Council.  When a person presents to the council as homeless the council will assess their situation.

The different decisions the council can make are:

• Accepted under the local authority’s  “homeless duty”.  This person is eligible for assistance, in priority need, unintentionally homeless, and they have no other suitable alternative accommodation available

• No Priority Need

• Intentionally Homeless but with a priority need

If the person’s homeless application is accepted they may be offered accommodation through the council’s Home Option Scheme.  If the council make one of the other decisions the person will be offered support to find alternative long- term settled accommodation.  They may be referred to other hostel providers in the area.