St Martins information afternoon
Come to the Westwick Room at Norwich City Hall on Tuesday 5th November from 3pm to hear an update from our Chief Executive Dr Jan Sheldon.
St Martins Pub Quiz now available!
Looking for a fun and interactive way to help fundraise and support the work St Martins carries out in Norwich? Host a quiz night!
Helping the people we support get thrifty
Thanks to funding from the Norfolk Community Foundation, we are starting a new project where people can join a short cooking course to give them the experience of using an air fryer or slow cooker, along with some tasty recipes.
The winds of change
With a new government starting to bed in and strive forward for ‘quick wins’ there can be little doubt that the winds of change are blowing but for those of us working in the homeless sector will it be a gentle breeze or a force 10 gale with the promise of structural change?
Solutions to ending migrant homelessness
St Martins has joined over 70 other organisations to support Homeless Link's briefing to the new government outlining solutions to ending migrant homelessness.
Heatwaves and homelessness
It isn’t just in the Winter months that people experiencing homelessness struggle with the weather.
Introducing Antonio
Meet Antonio - Antonio has been part of our team for nearly two months now and is the Manager at Bishopbridge House, our 30 bed direct-access hostel. We spoke to him about his first month in his role.
A Day in the Life of a Locum Support Worker
Hello, my name is Samwel and I am a Locum Support Worker at St Martins.
Clearing up the River Tud
St Martins team members and people we support took a day trip down to the River Tud last week as part of a volunteering project run by the Norfolk Rivers Trust.
Planting seeds
St Martins support worker Gareth has noticed that everybody needs validation, even if their behaviour suggests that they do not care what people think of them. One of the joys in his role is to remind people that they have strengths and capabilities to celebrate.