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A Night in the Cloister

Sleep out to raise funds for St Martins

Sleep Out at Norwich Cathedral Cloisters on Friday 26th January and raise funds for St Martins.

This is an amazing opportunity to spend the night in the beautiful Norwich Cathedral Cloisters. Fall asleep and wake up in one of the most iconic landmarks of the city which has a rich history spanning over 900 years.

St Martins Sleep out logo featuring Norwich Cathedral and a moonArrive at Norwich Cathedral between 7.30pm and 8pm, bringing everything you will need for a good night’s sleep underneath the Cloisters. There will be a chance to hear more about the work of St Martins to support people out of homelessness. There is a soup run in the evening with Compline at 9pm, and then you can gradually bed down. The event is not intended to replicate being homeless, but to raise awareness of the challenges people sleeping rough face and an opportunity to raise money through sponsorship.

You will be able to leave from 6.30am the following morning, with the Cloister being clear at 7.30am.

This is open to those who are over 18. No dogs, no alcohol, and no tents! We will provide cardboard to go underneath sleeping bags etc.

All we ask in return for the opportunity to sleep in this unique venue is that you raise as much sponsorship as you can for the work of St Martins to support out work in helping people experiencing homelessness in our city and helping to rebuild lives.

Click here to sign up

Click here for more information

Not able take part but would like to sponsor us? Please follow this link: A Night in the Cloisters – Jan 26 – JustGiving

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