
Learning & Development

Under 1 Roof

Under 1 Roof
100-102 Westwick Street

Under 1 Roof is a learning and development centre owned and run by St Martins. We offer support for vulnerable adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness by offering opportunities to develop the skills that will help them to live independently within the community. We opened in 2010, originally to provide St Martins service users with a means to access the workplace. Over time, this changed to include those at risk of homelessness due to mental health, debt or substance misuse issues, or reintegration into the community after a period in an institution.

Although our emphasis is clearly on developing the skills that will allow our members to find work and live independently, much of what is on offer is informal learning to help build confidence and self-esteem, which can inspire people to go onto further training.

Our sessions include:

  • The Tenancy Programme
  • Basic IT skills
  • Art
  • Programmes to support people to overcome substance misuse issues
  • Music groups
  • Mindfulness
  • Fitness sessions ranging from Tai chi to Boxercise
  • Programme to maximise Mental Health

For members looking for employment we offer the ad hoc use of our IT suite and offer support with applications, cover letters, C.Vs and finding training to gain the qualifications needed to compete for jobs. We also run a volunteer programme and work placement opportunities, which are invaluable to those who have been out of work for a long period of time and therefore have no recent work experience or references.

Contact Under 1 Roof on 01603 699150 or

Opening hours:

Monday 08:30 -15:30

Tuesday 08:30-15:30

Wednesday 08:30-15:30

Thursday 08:30-15:30

Fridays the Centre will be open for pre booked training only this will include for example:

Tenancy Awareness

Cooking on Budget

Volunteer Training

Employment development session

(Session dates and times will be advertised individually)

Arrow Arrow Wherever you are on your journey, we have something for you.  Arrow Arrow

Members' stories