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City walk with a focus on housing history

St Martins has teamed up with The Norwich Society to create a 3.5 mile walk around the city highlighting its history and commitment to supporting people in need throughout the ages – a mission that continues today.

The 3.5 mile route starts at City Hall and goes past some familiar landmarks including the Guildhall, Norwich Cathedral, and the castle. The route takes in places of importance in St Martins’ history, such as the locations of the Norwich Night Shelter in redundant church buildings, and some of the streets where St Martins services are currently located. The route suggests breaks along the way – at The Feed’s cafe on Bethel Street, and King’s Community Cafe on King Street, both of whom share a mission with St Martins to support people experiencing hunger and homelessness in our city.

Last year was St Martins’ 50th anniversary, and this year it is the 100th anniversary of the Norwich Society, so a good opportunity to get together to devise a walking route that takes in some of the sights and history of the city, particularly focusing around housing and social provision for people experiencing poverty and other challenges.

Vanessa Trevelyan from the Norwich Society said, “The Norwich Society is delighted to be partnering with St Martins to create this trail. One of the ways in which the Society encourages people to explore Norwich and appreciate its heritage is through a range of trails which are available on our website. The celebration of St Martin’s 50th anniversary gives us the opportunity to explore a new topic – that of homelessness and social care in the past. The trail explores, not only the origin of St Martins, but also visits some of Norwich’s significant places that have offered support and sanctuary through the centuries.”

CEO Dr Jan Sheldon said, “Norwich has a fascinating history, and St Martins is proud to be part of it. This walk highlights some of the places and people that have been instrumental in providing for those less fortunate, dating as far back as the twelfth century. This legacy of care continues today through the work of St Martins and others, and the walk is a wonderful way to learn about our city.”

Vanessa and her husband John planned the walk, and are pictured here at Kett’s Heights overlooking the city. The walk features clear directions and points of interest along the way, including facts about St Martins and their work.

The walk is free to download from

If you would like a printed copy of the booklet please contact

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