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Footprints art project symbolises our journeys

Footprints adorned with pictures, poems and doodles wind their way down the corridor of St Martins’ assessment hub on Recorder Road. The Hub provides short term accommodation and support to people who would otherwise be sleeping rough.

Footprint shapes are mounted on the walls as a canvas for people to contribute to during their stay at the Hub.

Everyone is offered the opportunity to contribute to the project, including team members. The path of footprints symbolises a journey that many of us are on. Creating art can be a positive way to express emotion, reduce anxiety, cope with stress, improve social skills and it provides a great distraction for a busy mind.

Senior Support Worker Victoria said, “We wanted the art work at the Hub to be about our residents, hoping that people will be inspired to share some of their creativity with us. As people come and go, the path will grow forming the art throughout the Hub.”

The footprints are made from plywood which was kindly cut into shape by a carpenter who volunteered his time to do it. We have tried to make sure that there are a variety of materials to use. There have been various donations of acrylic paints, inks, charcoal, oil pastels, and marker pens which were gratefully received.

The project focuses on the Psychologically Informed Environment ideals of peer work, considerate environments and using any activity as a tool to build relationships.

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