The first spade hit the ground last week at our new gardening project as we started to prepare the ground to grow some vegetables. St Martins has been given some allotment plots at Marlpit Community Gardens, thanks to Mahesh from Sustainable Living Initiative. He has been talking to St Martins for years about taking up a plot so we are delighted it is finally happening as part of our wellbeing project. Thanks also to our volunteer Jo who is giving her time every Tuesday to facilitate the project.
Jo was joined by Tony and Paddy, who were encouraged to attend by their support workers. Both enjoyed being outside in the fresh air. It was hard work and there was a lot of turf to clear before they could get on and plant some onions and garlic. We weren’t deterred by the fact that it’s not the ideal time of year to be gardening, we all found it was peaceful and a relief to spent time in a safe, open space.
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