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Norfolk charities join forces to promote 2.6 challenge

Norfolk charities hit by a reduction in donation income have joined forces and are encouraging people to don their trainers or walking boots and take part in a lockdown challenge to raise vital funds.

The 2.6 Challenge, launches on Sunday, April 26 (which would have been the day of the London marathon, 26 miles, hence 2.6!) asks people to dream up an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise through sponsorship or simply by making a donation to their chosen charity.

The challenge is open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the government guidelines on exercise and social distancing and remember to stay local. Local charities taking part include The charities encouraging people to take part include Age UK Norwich, Break, Cruse Bereavement Care Norwich, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH), Friend in Deed, Home-Start Norfolk, Nelson’s Journey, Norwich Samaritans, Norfolk and Waveney Mind, Priscilla Bacon Hospice, SENsational Families, St Martins Housing Trust and The Benjamin Foundation.

How can you help?

  • Dream up an activity based around the number 2.6 or 26 that suits your skills (and follows government guidelines on exercise and social distancing); it can be as crazy as you like!
  • Film a video of you in portrait format talking about/demonstrating your chosen challenge share it with us on social media @stmartinsnfk or
  • To join in with The 2.6 Challenge and help save Norfolk’s charities visit

Nick Rusling, co-chair of the Mass Participation Sports Organisers group (MSO) and CEO of Human Race, said: “It can be anything that works for you. You can run or walk 2.6 miles, 2.6km or for 26 minutes. You could do the same in your home or garden, go up and down the stairs 26 times, juggle for 2.6 minutes, do a 26 minute exercise class or get 26 people on a video call and do a 26 minute workout – anything you like.”

St Martins continues to support homeless people in Norwich and Norfolk in hostels, residential settings and in the community. Frontline work continues, but spending has increased in securing adequate PPE and supplies and we have increased our spending on agency staff due to team members shielding and isolating as needed. Community fundraising events and regular supermarket collections have been cancelled, resulting in a reduction in donations.

We are so grateful for the people who donate by regular standing order and one-off donations too. If you would like to get behind this 2.6 challenge and nominate St Martins, we would love to hear from you!

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